問:continual 與continuous 有什麼區別?
答:continual 可譯為“連續的”、“不斷的”、“頻繁的”, 但中間可能有短暫的間斷(going on all the time without stopping, or with only short breaks) :
- Aren’t you tired of this continual rain? 對於這不停的雨你不覺得厭煩嗎?
- He hates these continual arguments with his wife. 他討厭這樣無休止地跟妻子爭論。
continual 常用於指不好的事, 例如continual interruptions (arguments, hammering) 。
continuous 則是指“ (無間斷地) 連續的”(going on without a break) :
- The brain needs a continuous supply of blood. 大腦需要不斷的供給血液。
- This continuous hot weather is oppressive. 這連續的熱天氣是很難忍受的。
continually 與continuously 也具有上述區別:
- Billy is continually working late at the office. 比爾總是連續地在辦公室工作到很晚。
- He is continually complaining about the noise. 他老是不斷的抱怨有吵鬧聲。