All the __________ safe.
"all“是全部,即是複數。”child“是一個小孩,”children“是”child“的複數。另外,如果你的名詞是不可數的話(uncountable nouns),你就要用”all of”,例如:all of the sugar was spilt on the floor。
Do you have another pen _____?
I was looking for presents to buy but I couldn't find ________
“anything”是一個單子,沒有複數。如果真的要使用複數,你可以寫成“any things”(有空格),例句:are there any things you want me to buy at this shop?
She looked like a ________.
Each of the students ________ afraid.
Which one is correct?
Everybody _____ frightened when the lights went out.
Everyone ____ happy with the pay rise.
We've invited the _______ family to dinner.
一個單詞用來修飾另一個單詞時很少會以複數形式表示。但如果你在句子中沒有”family“一字的話,你就可以將”Wong“變為複數,英文這樣變為兩個話以上家庭成員。例句:We've invited the Wongs to dinner.
I go to school on ____.
用雙脚行路時符合邏輯的,但”on foot“才是日常英文用於。
We bought two _____ for the meal.
Tommy made _________ with Jayden in A1.
They hope many ________ will come to the concert.
Hong Kong is one of the most advanced ______ in Asia.
”one of“後面跟著複數名詞因為與超過一個來比較。這句子是正在與其他城市比較。
She has a pair of big _____.
People ____ the foundation of the country.
The police ____ investigating the crime.
“police”是複數。如果你想表示一個警察的話,可以寫“a police officer”。
I saw a ____________ coming towards me.
People are very careless in the country park. Rubbish ____ everywehre!
There have been several _______ at this corner.
We went to a ______ shop and then a _____ shop.
在一般情況下,如果我們需要用一個名詞當作形容詞運用來修飾另一個名詞的話,該名詞則需以單數形式來表示。但是,如果我們要用一個名詞來區分另一名詞的類別的話,我們就要把該名詞加“s”,例如“plastics factory”。如果我們用“plastic”(沒有英文字母“s”)的話,別人便誤會該工廠是塑料造出來的料。
We stayed in a _________ hotel in Shanghai.
Some businessman came out of the building carrying their _______.
There ____ a lot of elderly people in this estate.
I need ___ new trousers.
Peter and John are ______.
形容兩個人或以上,我們要用複數”twins“。如果你想說Peter是雙胞胎,你就可以說:Peter is a twin.
I saw her talking to a _____ in the corrider.
The Maks have a __________ boy.