take care of 用法1
問:He took care of the children.
答:take care of 用法或句型有兩種被動形式:
A. 用care 作被動句主詞
Care was taken of the children by him. 由他照管孩子們。
B. 用of 的受詞作被動句主詞:
- The children were taken care of by him. 孩子們由他照看。
- All his medical expenses were taken care of by the state. 他的醫療費全部由國家負擔。
(參見agree on 用法)
take care of 用法2
問:(1) They can take care of their own breakfast.
(2) Can he take care of this problem.
(3) The robbers had to take care of the guards before they could take the money.
查英漢詞典, take care of 意為“照顧”、“照料”、“管理”。把這些詞義用到上面的句子裡似乎都不適合。這是怎麼回事呢?
答:take care of 用法的最常見意義是“照看”、“照料”、“照顧”, 即of 的受詞是“ 被保護、關心的對象”。但是, 除此之外, take care of 還有許多含義, 例如“負責”(take the responsibility for) 、“處理”、“對付”(deal with) 、“打”(beat) 、“殺死”(kill) 。在這裡of 的受詞不是“被保護、關心的對象”, 恰恰相反, 而是“處理、清除、傷害、殺害的物件”。
- You take care of paying a bill.
你負責付帳單。 - Will you take care of buying the wine for tonight’s party?
你負責買今晚晚會用酒, 好嗎? - devices that take care of the waste from the factory
處理工廠廢料的裝置 - We’ll take care of the financial difficulties you may have.
我們負責處理你可能遇到的經費上的困難。 - A rascal sent his boys to take care of the poor fellow.
[試譯1] 他們能夠自己解決早飯問題。
[試譯2] 他能處理這個問題嗎?
[試譯3] 強盜們得先幹掉那幾個警衛人員, 才能把錢搶到手。