最近有一位朋友聽到一首歌,歌名是“count on me”,他就問我count on me 中文是什麽意思。請看以下有關count on的問答。

問:“I hope I can hear your lecture.”
“I’m counting on you _______.”
A. will be there
B. to be there
C. be there
D. are being there

答:要知道count on me 中文意思,這裏需要熟練掌握count on 用法。count on 與depend on, reply on一樣,後面可跟受詞及由動詞不定詞充當的受詞補語

  1. We think we can count on Mr White to support us. 我認為我們可以指望懷特先生支持我們。
  2. I am depending on you to give us your full support. 我依賴你們給予我們充分的支持。
  3. You may rely on me to help you. 你可以依靠我去幫助你。

所以我認為count on me 中文是“依靠我”是比較適合。



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