英文<a href=“https://www.englishquiz.org/learn-english-daily/negation-%e5%90%a6%e5%ae%9a%e5%8f%a5%e7%94%a8%e6%b3%95/” >否定</a>句子


英文否定句子結構跟中文不太一樣。對於中文我們可在動詞前加入“不”即可變為否定句子,例如:“他不高興”,“我不需要”等,但英文否定句就不是在不同位置加入“not”便行,例如:She has not said a word(在has和said之間加入“not”)、Chloe does not like it(要同時加入“does”和“not”)。中文句子亦沒有“either”或“neither”等的文法。來試試完成以下有關英文否定句子的英文練習題吧!

Which one is correct?

正確的! 錯了!


Taxi drivers _________ know how much they'll earn.

正確的! 錯了!


I don't speak Cantonese ____ Mandarin.

正確的! 錯了!

“and”不應用於否定句子。同時否定兩樣事件時,我們應用“or”例如:He never swims or runs.

Which one is incorrect?

正確的! 錯了!

“no”已有“not any的意思。

both/neither: Which one is correct?

正確的! 錯了!


They decided ________ send him overseas.

正確的! 錯了!

否定句式是在“to”前加“not”,不是“do not“。

She ______ enough money to pay for lunch.

正確的! 錯了!


Which one is correct?

正確的! 錯了!


I _______ this book.

正確的! 錯了!

當動詞是“have”時,否定句式是“do not”+“have”。

I _________ enough money to pay for my meal.

正確的! 錯了!

當動詞是“have”時,否定句式是“do not”+“have”(過去式是“did not”+“have")。

I ________ mood to go out tonight.

正確的! 錯了!

沒有心情的英文是”be in the mood“,之後可以加”to“或者”for”(視乎動詞還是名詞)。

We ________ to wear school uniform tomorrow.

正確的! 錯了!

“需要”是“need”(動詞),否定句是“do not need”。

Doug can't go; Liz can't go ______.

正確的! 錯了!

“can‘t go”是否定動詞,所以我們要使用“either”。另外你亦可以使用“neither”,例如:Doug can't go; neither can Liz.

I don't trust him. He's being _______.

正確的! 錯了!


The children have become very ______.

正確的! 錯了!


The salesperson was very _______.

正確的! 錯了!




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