無論中文或英文,很多名詞都屬於不可數名詞的,例如“幸運”(luck),我們不會說一個幸運、兩個幸運,我們只會說很幸運。英文也是一樣,不一定所有名詞都是可數的。不可數名詞(uncountable noun)不會加article(即a、an、the),亦不會變為複數。當然不可數名詞亦可透過量詞來量化,例如“水”,我們可以以“杯”來量化,如一杯水(a glass of water)。以下是有關不可數名詞的例子。
Which one is correct?
Her _________ always good.
Our schoolbags are too heavy because of the _______ of textbooks we have to bring each day.
We ate some _______ for breakfast.
“bread”一般都是不可數的,除非你加入量詞如“loaves”、“slices”、“pieces”、或“bread rolls“等。
Next weekend we'll have a _______.
“camping”是不可數的名詞。如需描述個別事件可以寫為“a camping trip”、“a camping holiday”。
We bought __________ at the supermarket.
“food”是不可數的。如需形容某事物類別就可以加“s”,例如:health foods、organic foods。
She bought _________ for the new flat.
和“food”類似,“furniture”是不可數的。“a lot of”可用於可數或不可數的名詞。
Which one is correct?
“hair”可以是可數或不可數。我們一般都以不可數的形式來形容頭髮。如果加“s”的話,即“hairs”,這表示幾條(幾根)頭髮,例句:He brushed some dog hairs off the sofa.
Which one is correct?
There _________ to do before New Year.
I saw ___ information in the newspaper.
The robbers stole a lot of __________ from a store.
Our teacher has a lot of _______.
“knowledge”是不可數的,故此不能用複數。事實上,句子配上形容詞”knowledgeable“比較適合,例如:Our teacher is very knowledgeable.
I was disappointed at the ________ everywhere.
I had ___ good luck the other day.
The thieves stole a large ______ of money.
Most of all, she likes pop _______.
She passed her driving test -- that's ________ news.
Which one is correct?
“rubbish”是不可數的名詞,可以用”a lot of“。
He was falling behind in this _________.
This will take hours - it's _________.
第19題 on the street.
There was a lot of rubbish on the street.
謝謝意見,就有關on the street還是in the street,可以參考我們這篇“in vs on the street”文章。
i think that too
quiz 19 on is correct why is in the street??like i had a teddy on the table