Tomorrow's temperature will vary between 8c ___ 10c.
“between”是在某某東西和某某東西之間,所以必定配以“and”。另一種表達範圍方式是“from...to”,例如:Temperatures will range from 8c to 10c.
Beijing is crowded ___ people.
介係詞”with“用於形容詞”crowded”之後,“of”是用於名詞“crowd”之後。例句:A large crowd of people was gathering.
We bought two dozen _________ for the party.
These apples are $2 _______.
“for”只用於表達兩個或以上的東西,例如:The oranges are $10 for five.
Which one is correct?
中文”除了“可以同時用於正面及負面的句子,但英文”as well as“是正面,有額外再加上的意思,而”except“則是用於負面句子,有排除的意思,例如:I like most sports except basketball,這例句表示籃球是你唯一不喜歡的運動。
My flat is __ the 10th floor.
He got _____ the bus.
中文我們會說“落車”/“下車”,所以會導致用英文說時翻譯為“down”。除非你是要跨非常大步才能下車,否則英文都是“get off”。例句:They got down from the truck.
At the airport she got ___ the taxi.
我們"get out of“taxi、cars、lift,但我們“get off”buses、trains、ferries、planes、bicylcles、escalators。要謹記。
She got __ a taxi and went to the airport.
“get on”用於比較大型的車輛,例如巴士、火車、船、飛機等。“get in”用於taxi、cars。
Jane is very good __ tennis.
一個人善於一樣項目是“good at”。
The teacher said ‘Please come _______'".
After the concert, we went back _______.
“go back home”或“go home”是正常英語説法,不會加“to”。
There were a ________ passengers on the plane.
如果有指定數目如“a hundred”、“two hundred”,我們不需要加“of”,但如果是沒有指定數量的話,便需要加“of”,例如:Hundreds of passengers had their flights cancelled due to the typhoon.
There are trams __ Hong Kong Island.
如果是島嶼,你要使用介係詞“on”。你可以說“I live in Kowloon”,但你需要說“I live on Hong Kong Island”。
Which one is correct?
這問句的答案可能有“in”,例如:I live in Tai Po,但問句就無需加“in”了。
The robber pointed a gun __ the police.
用槍指向對方一定是”point at“。另外,句子結構是”point a gun at“,千萬不要說”use a gun to point at“。
Which one is correct?
節目廣播是“on” radio or television.
________, more drugs have been sized at the airport.
副詞“recently”無需要“in”,但你用形容詞“recent”的話,你可以說“in recent years”,例句:In recent years, more drugs have been sized.
________ this situation it was difficult for them.
“in this situation”才是正確。
Brad was happy when Clare smiled __ him.
向著別人微笑是“smile at”。
I take photos __ my spare time.
“spare time”是用“in”,不是“at”。
He drove the car __ full speed.
所有速度都是用“at”,包括制定速度,例如:I was driving at 60 kph (kilometres per hour).
Which one is correct?
電視或電台播出的節目是用“on”,但閲讀報紙新聞是“in”,例如:I saw an interesting article in the newspaper today.
The driver couldn't stop __ time when the light turned red.
請選擇 2 個正確答案
“in time”解“及時”或“來得及”,“on time”解“準時”。
Which one is correct?
要試身是”try them on“。
The offered free tickets to my sister and ___.
Good at kids to study