有些形容詞單獨充當修飾語時既可以前置, 也可以後置。前置的形容詞表示事物永久的性質, the navigable rivers 是指那些在任何時間都可以航行的河流。後置的形容詞則表示事物暫時的性質, the rivers navigable 則是指那些在某個特定的時間裡可以航行的河流。請比較:
- The involved countries [people] (長久性特徵)
- The countries [people] involved (暫時性特徵)
- The concerned countries [people] (長久性特徵)
- The countries [people] concerned (暫時性特徵)
- Venus is a clearly visible star. 金星是一顆清晰可見的星體。
They are the stars visible now. 它們是現在能看得見的星體。 - You must set every available man to work.
There were no ambulances available.
沒有找到救護車。 - Have you a suitable book for a young child?
(參見available, involved)