問:下面有關consist in的譯文是否準確?
Science consists in grouping facts so that general laws or conclusions may be drawn from them. (Darwin)
[原譯] 科學的目的就在把一些事實彙集攏來, 以便從而引出一般的法則與結論來。(錢歌川:《翻譯的技巧》, p.522)
答:先從譯文的內容看, 彙集事實並不是科學的目的, 而是科學工作的一個步驟。再從原文consist in 的語意看, 它並無“目的在”的意思, 而是“在( 於) ”(have sth. as its main part, have sth. as its essential quality) 的意思:
- The beauty of Venice consists in the style of its ancient buildings.
威尼斯之美在於它的古代建築物的風格。 - The happiness of a country consists in the freedom of its citizens.
[試譯] 科學就在於搜集整理事實, 以便從中引出普遍性的規律或結論來。