問:對於下面兩個句子的結構, 我不大瞭解。請分析:
- He who makes no mistakes makes nothing. 不犯錯誤的人將一事無成。
- He that cannot obey cannot command. 不會服從的人就不會指揮。
【答】 在現代英語裡, 人稱代名詞we, he, she 通常是不受形容詞子句來修飾或限定的。像we who/ that, he who/ that, she who/ that 這樣的用法只出現在古文體和非常正式的境裡, 帶有古色古香的味道, 例如He that can discern the loveliness of things, we call him a poet. (能夠覺察到事物之美的人, 我們稱之為詩人。) He that parts us shall bring a brand from heaven. (Shakespeare) (跟我們分開的人就必須打上天國的烙印。) 因此, 我們在格言和諺語裡常常見到這種用法:
- He cannot speak well that cannot hold his tongue. 不懂保持沉默之人非善言者。
- He that commits a fault thinks everyone speaks of it. 犯錯誤的人總以為人人都在說他的不是。
- He that touches pitch shall be defiled. 近墨者黑。
- He laughs best who laughs last. 誰笑到最後誰笑得最好。
- He who hesitates is lost. 優柔寡斷者必然坐失良機。
- He who excuses himself accuses himself. 替自己申辯就等於控訴自己。
在現代英語裡, 大都用those who 或anyone (anybody) who 來代替上面的古色古香的用法:
- Those who help the handicapped deserve our support. 幫助殘疾人的那些人應得到我們的支持。
- Heaven helps those who help themselves. 自助者, 天助(天助自助者/ 天道酬勤) 。
- Anybody who helps the handicapped deserves our support. 凡幫助殘疾人者都應獲得我們的支持。