according to 用法1:

問:According to me this is quite unexpected.


答:見下面 according to 用法3。

According to 用法2(according to/according as):

問: according to 用法與 according as有無區别?

答:應當弄清楚,according to 用法中的to是介系詞,而 according as中的as是連接詞,因此前者是複合介系詞,與名詞丶代名詞丶動名詞連用,而後者是複合連接詞,與引導子句連用。請比較下列實例:

  1. According to this book a tiger is really a big cat. 按照這本書的說法,老虎實際上就是一種大貓。
  2. The thermometer rises or falls according as the air is hot or cold. 溫度計隨空氣的熱冷而升降。
  3. You will be praised or blamed according as your work is good or bad. 你將依照你工作的好壞而受到獎懲。

According to 用法3(according to/by):

問:(A) By my watch it is ten o’clock.
(B) According to my watch it is ten o’clock.
by和 according to 用法都作“按照”、“依照”、“根據”解,它們是否可以互換?

答:只有指非常確定的事物(如the clock, the term(s), the voice, the timetable, his appearance, the smell等)時,by和 according to才是可以互換的。注意,用於此種含義的by不能用在指人的名詞或代名詞之前,但:by his(her, their) own admission(根據他(她丶他們)自己的承認)。還要注意,according to只能表示來自其他人或來源的訊息,而不能表示來自說話者本人的訊息。可以說 according to him,但不能說 according to me。此外,according to還不能與 opinion連用(【錯】 according to my opinion,應為:in my opinion)。請參考下列實例:

  1. The road was some forty miles long according to my map. 按照我的地圖,這條路大有四十英里長。
  2. He is rich by Chinese standards. 按中國的標準來看,他是個富人。
  3. Do not judge a person by his looks. 不要以貌取人。



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