all 用法1

I am sure that _______ you said is wrong.
A. which
B. all
C. this
D. what
標準答案規定選D, 我認為亦可選B。

答:選B 並不比選D 遜色, 請看下面的例句:

  1. All you say may be quite true.
  2. All I want is a room somewhere.
  3. All _________ is a continuous supply of fuel oil.
    A. what is needed
    B. that is needed
    C. the thing needed
    D. for their needs

在上面的all 用法中, all 之後省略了充當受詞的關係代名詞that (即使用了零關係代名詞) 。充當主詞的關係代名詞that 則不能省略。(參見all that/ what)

all 用法2

問:What is called ‘modern civilization’ is not the result of a balanced development of all man’s nature. (New Concept English, Book 4 p.87)
[原譯] 所謂“現代文明”不是全人類的天性平衡發展的結果。(中譯本)
請問all 是man 的形容詞, 還是nature 的形容詞?

答:句中的All 並不是man 的形容詞, 而是nature 的形容詞, 即all [man’s nature], 而不是[all man’s] nature。all man’s nature 可譯為“類的全部天性”。

all 用法3

問:代名詞all 用作主詞時, 其動詞是用單數還是用複數?

答:當all 作“大家”解時, 動詞和代名詞要用複數:

  1. All are happy to hear the news. 大家聽到這個消息都很高興。
  2. All enjoyed themselves. 大家都玩得很開心。

當all of + 複數名詞作主詞時, 動詞也要用複數。

All of the windows were broken. 所有窗戶都打碎了。

當all 作“一切”解時(這時all of 接單數名詞) 動詞要用單數:

  1. All’s well that ends well. 結果好, 一切都好。
  2. All was changed. 一切都改變了。

另見all…not 用法



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