convenient 用法 (to vs for)

問:(a) If it is convenient to you…
(b) If it is convenient for you…
請問上面的哪個convenient 用法是正確的?

答:上面兩個convenient 用法都是正確的, 但(a) 式用得較為普遍。有實例為證:

  1. Come whenever it is convenient to you. 在你方便的時候請過來。
  2. Will the 3:50 train be convenient for you? 3 點50 分的火車對你方便嗎?

Come and see me whenever ___________.
A. you are convenient
B. you will be convenient
C. it is convenient to you
D. it will be convenient to you
(研究所考試英語試題, 84A)



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