for 用法1

問:Rip is tall for his age.
如何解釋句中介係詞for 的含義?

答:這裡的介係詞for 用法是表示比較的“標準”(standard) 。Rip is tall for his age. 可以理解為Rip is taller than normal.請看下面的例句:

  1. That dog is long-legged for a terrier. 對於犬更而言, 這條狗的腿要算是很長的了。(犬更是一種小狗)
  2. It is quite warm tonight for February. 就二月份來說, 今天夜裡的天氣是夠熱的了。
  3. On educational matters his views were advanced for his day. 他在教育問題上的觀點, 就他那個時代而論, 是很先進的。

for 用法2

問:He bought the stock for me. 請問句中for me 是表示“給我”, 還是“替我”?

答:就孤立的句子而論, for me 既可能指“給我”, 也可能指“替我”, 因為for 的這兩層含義在這裡都適用。
(a) 他給我買了股票。(He bought the stock; the stock was for me.或He bought me the stock.)
(b) 他替我買了股票。(He bought the stock; he did it for me.)

for 用法3

問:某大學招考研究生英語試題第I. 7 題:
Comrade Li _______ (work) for six hours in the laboratory.
標準答案要求填has worked, 是否還有其他正確答案?

答:由於句中沒有指出動作發生的具體時間, 所以還可以填works, has been working, will work, worked, 因為for + a period of time 不僅能與現在完成時連用, 而且也能與一般現在式、一般過去式、一般將來式和現在完成進行式連用。

for 用法4

問:(A) We stayed at the hotel (for) three weeks.
(B) He taught her for three years.
許多教科書上說, for 用於表示時間時, 在for 引導的片語中, for 常常可以省略。請問上面兩個句子裡的for 用法是否都可以省略掉?

答:當for 引導的時間片語用來修飾具有靜態意義的動詞時常常可以省略:

  1. They lived in China (for) seven years.
  2. The meeting lasted (for) two hours.

當for 與以all 開頭的名詞片語連用時, 必須省略for [參見for all day(×)] :

She’s been lying in bed all day.

但是, 當for 片語修飾動態動詞時或者用於否定句時, 則介係詞for 不能省略:

  1. I’m going away for a few days. 我要離開幾天。
  2. I haven’t seen him for three weeks. 我有三個星期沒有看見他了。

所以, CGEL 把下列句子看作是錯誤的:

  1. × I taught her three years.
  2. × I haven’t spoken to her three months.

另外, 當for 用法用在句子開頭時, 一般也不能省略:

  1. He lived abroad (for) six years. / For six years, he lived abroad. 他在國外住了6 年。
  2. 2. He waited anxiously at hospital (for) some time. / For some time, he waited anxiously at hospital. 他在醫院焦急地等了一會兒。

for 用法5

問:I have not studied Russian for two years.
葛傳椝:《英語慣用法詞典》(p. 261) 說上面的句子有兩個含義:

  1. 我已經有兩年不學習俄語了。
  2. 我學習俄語以來還不滿兩年。


答:我們認為, R. Quirk 等人的論述能很好地回答你提出來的問題。他們說:

“For has different meanings in the follow two sentences:
I’ve done that for years. [1]
I’ve not done that for years. [2]
In the positive [1], the action is included in the for time span, i.e. included duration. In the negative [2], on the other hand, the action is excluded from the for time span, i.e. excluded duration (‘It’s years since I’ve done that’, ‘I haven’t done that in years’). ”(CGEL, p.689)

[“For 在下面兩個句子裡有不同的含義:
I’ve done that for years. [1]
I’ve not done that for years. [2]
“在肯定句[1] 中, 行為包含在for 所表示的時間段之中, 也就是說, 這裡所指的時間段是內包持續時間。而在否定句[2] 中, 行為被排除在for 所表示的時間段之外, 也就是說, 這裡所指的時間段是排除持續時間(‘It’s years since I’ve done that’, ‘I haven’t done that in years’) ”]

由上面的論述可以看出, 你所提出的否定句I have not studied Russian for two years. 只有葛老所提出的第一種含義: 我已經有兩年不學習俄語了。並請與下列句子進行比較:

I have not seen you for ages.

for 用法6

問:“Where did he go ?”“He went to another store _______.”
A. to buy slacks
B. or buying slacks
C. buy slacks
D. buying slacks
我知道正確的答案是A, 但是我不能向學生解釋為什麼選項B (for buying slacks)是錯誤的。難道for + V-ing 不能表示目的嗎?

答:M. Swan 在PEU 中談到過這個問題。他說:“for 可以用來表示某人的目的, 但後面只能接名詞:

We went to the pub for a drink.

他認為We went to the pub for having a drink.是典型錯誤。但他同時指出, 當表示某物的用途時, 則可以採用for + V-ing 的格式:

  1. Is that cake for eating or just for looking at? 那塊蛋糕是吃的, 還是光讓人看的?
  2. What’s this money for? It’s for buying some food for dinner. 這錢是幹什麼用的? 是用來買正餐需要的食品的。

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