what about / how about 用法:

問:how about 用法與 what about 用法和意思是否相同?

答:可以把how aboutwhat about 用法看作是同義表達的方式。它們主要用於表示請求、建議:

  1. How about another kiss? 再吻一次怎麽樣?
  2. How about trying again? 再試一下如何?
  3. What about a drink? 喝一杯怎麽樣?
  4. What about following us in your car? 你開車跟在我們後面怎麽樣?


  1. How about your parents? Are they well? 你的父母怎麽樣?他們健康嗎?
  2. I’ll post your letters. How about/what about this parcel? 信我會幫你寄。可是這個包裹怎麽辦呢?

How come 意思:

問:How come he isn’t here?
如何分析上述問句内how come 意思?

答:how come 意思是“為什麽”,是引導的句子屬於不規則的疑問句。主要用於美式英語,尤其是非正式語體。請注意,這種句子雖然是疑問句,但是主詞與動詞的語序。

  1. How come you are late? 你為什麽遲到?
  2. How come they left you in the dark? 他麽怎麽把你蒙在鼓裏?
  3. How come that a lion was wondering about the streets of Rome? 怎麽有獅子在羅馬的大街上到處走?

附注:how come 意思即是 how does (did) it come that的省略的形式。這就解釋了為什麽how come 之後的主詞與動詞結構采用陳述句語序,而不采用疑問句語序。



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