how 用法(how 能否作關係副詞?)

問:I will show you (the way) how I solved the question. (錢歌川編著《英文一日一題》, pp.44 – 45)
作者指出, 句中的the way how 可略為how。作者把how 用法看作是能引導形容詞子句的關係副詞, 這使我感到很陌生。

答:英美的英語文法學家們都沒有把how 用法劃為能引導形容詞子句的關係副詞。CGEL 認為, 能作為關係副詞只有where, when, whythat:

“There is no relative how parallel to where, when, and why to express manner with an antecedent noun [4], but only [4a]:
*That’s the way how she spoke. [4]
That’s (how / the way (that)) she spoke. [4a]”
“英語裡並不存在與接在先行名詞之後where, when 和why 平行的表示方式的關係詞how。因此, 不能說:
× That’s the way how she spoke.
That’s (how / the way (that)) she spoke.”
(CGEL, p.1254)

[附注] 張道真教授編著的《英語文法大全》(外研社, 1998, p.367) 也認為how 可以用作關係副詞(as relative adv.) :

  1. Can you tell me the way (how) he did it?
  2. This is the way (how) it was and always be.

how / what

問:_________ girl she is!
A. What bright a
B. How a bright
C. How bright a
D. What a bright (高考英語試題, 1980)
標準答案為D。但我認為, 選C 也是符合英語慣用法的。

答:同意你的說法。what + a + 形容詞+ 名詞是個正確的格式, how + 形容詞+ a + 名詞也是個正確的格式。請看下面的有關how 用法的實例:

  1. What a good heart you have!
  2. How strange a feeling it was! (《新編英語文法》)
  3. Miss Langham arm in arm with Mr Peabody — how astonishing a sight!
    蘭厄姆小姐挽著皮博迪先生的胳臂, 看上去真叫人吃驚!
  4. We now can see how serious a problem it is.



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