most 用法1

問:The police had a difficult time, but they were most amused. (New Concept English, Book 2, L.65)
在這裡的most 用法是構成形容詞的最高級嗎?

答:most 用法除了用於構成形容詞和副詞的最高級之外, 還可以用作形容詞和副詞的加強語, 其語意相當於“very”或“extremely”(“很”、“極其”) 。例如:

  1. Recognizing who the customer was, the manager was most apologetic and reprimanded the assistant severely. (New Concept English, Book 3, L.31)
    經理認出顧客是誰, 表示非常抱歉, 並狠狠地斥責了店員。
  2. They have been most kind to me.

most 用法 2 (most/mostly)

問:The scientists who are probably mostly interested in flights to the moon are geologists.
most 用法與mostly 有什麼區別?

答:不能把mostly 理解為most 的副詞。mostly 與most 的含義是不同的。mostly 的主要含義是:“大部分”、“主要地”。

  1. The men at the party were mostly fairly young.
  2. The audience consisted mostly of women.
  3. She uses her car mostly for going to the shops.

The students are ________ young people between the ages of sixteen and twenty.
A. most
B. almost
C. mostly
D. at most

most 用法3 (most/the most)

問:副詞的最高級用作動詞的副詞時, 是否需要加定冠詞the?

答:在構成副詞的最高級時, most 之前的定冠詞是可有可無的, 也就是說, 加定冠詞或不加定冠詞, 都是正確的。例如:

  1. Those who work (the) most often get paid (the) least.
  2. The place that has really influenced my life the most is Sligo.
  3. Which do you value most – wealth or health?
    哪一個你認為最有價值 – 財富還是健康?
  4. How can I help you the most?

most 用法 4 (most efficient)

問:Della is most efficient.
請問句中的most 是構成形容詞最高級的組成部分, 還是修飾形容詞的程度副詞(= very)?

答:有的教師解釋說, 句中的most efficient 不可能是形容詞的最高級, 因為在most 之前沒有定冠詞t he。但是, 這種解釋是站不住腳的。因為在英語裡, 只有當形容詞的最高級充當形容詞時, 定冠詞th e 才是不可缺少的, 而在它們充當述語(主詞補語) 時, 定冠詞the 是可有可無的。試比較:

(a) Anna is the youngest child.
(b) Anna is (the) youngest (of all).
(a) Della is the most efficient publisher in the office.
(b) Della is (the most efficient (of all).

這就是說, most 可以解釋為構成形容詞最高級的組成部分。讓我們補充一些證明例句:

All the questions were difficult, but which do you think was most difficult?
所有的問題都很難, 但你認為哪個最難?

在你提問的例句中的most 亦可分析為加強語(You can use most to emphasize an adjective or adverb. For example, if you say that something is most interesting, you mean that it is very interesting. (你可以用most 強調形容詞或副詞。例如, 如果你說“something is most interesting.”你的意思是“it is very interesting”) :

  1. You are very helpful and most kind.
  2. The trading results show a most encouraging trend….
  3. They have been most kind to me.

綜上所述, 上句中的mo st 既可以看作是構成形容詞最高級的組成部分, 也可以看成是加強語, 意為“很、非常(very, extremely)”。這就是說, 上面的句子是有歧義的。

most 用法5 (The most + 形容詞一定是最高級嗎?)

問:Isn’t she the most beautiful woman?
我們大家都認為句中的most 用法是構成形容詞的最高級的組成部分, 而不可能是加強語(= very) ; 如果most 在這裡作加強語的話, 則不應當使用定冠詞the, 而應當使用不定冠詞a。

答:如果在most 之前使用不定冠詞或零冠詞, most 則總是被解釋為加強語, 這是沒有爭議的。例如:

  1. The trading results show a most encouraging trend…
    貿易的結果顯示出了一個非常令人振奮的趨勢⋯ ⋯
  2. They are most efficient publishers.

現在的問題是: the most + 形容詞是否總是形容詞的最高級, 其中的most 是否可理解為加強語(= very)? CGEL 的作者們回答了這個問題:
“現在有一種趨勢, 使用帶定冠詞的most 來進行加強”。該書對上句中的the most beautiful woman 的解釋是“a most beautiful woman”,“an extremely beautiful woman”。該書的解釋對於我們的英語教學和翻譯都很有啟發。我們不會再把下面句子裡的the oldest clothes 譯成“最古老服裝”了:

Lucille wears the oldest clothes, my dear.
天哪, 露西爾穿了一件舊得不能再舊的衣服。


  1. He was the most generous of men. 他是個很慷慨的人。
  2. 2. He spoke in the softest voices. 他用極其柔和的聲音講話。

most 用法 6 (most students/most of the students)

問:most students 與most of the students 有什麼區別?

答:在most (some) + 名詞結構裡, 名詞都是“無定的”, 如同在a(an) + 單數名詞結構裡名詞是無定的(說話人和聽話人尚不能共同確認所指) 一樣。因此, 不能說most the students, most the Germans 或most my students 或most chairman Mao’s works。

  1. Most doctors don’t smoke. 大多數醫生不吸煙。
  2. 2. Most wine is imported. 大部分酒都是進口的。

而在most (some) of + 名詞結構裡, 名詞是有定的(說話人和聽話人能夠確認所指), 它必定帶有定冠詞或物主代名詞等限定詞:

  1. Most of her arrangements were founded on fact.
  2. He used to spend most of his time in the library.
  3. I’ll lend you some of these books.

由於代名詞總是指代有定的人或物, 只能採用most (some) of us 這樣的結構:

Most of us enjoy reading.

1. Most William Faulkner’s novels deal with the universal problems of evil as represented by family disintegration and degeneration.
2. “I like your furniture very much.” “Thank you. We bought _______ in Denarks.”
A. the most of them
B. most of them
C. the more of it
D. most of it

Most 用法 7 (The most/a most/most (important problem))

問:the most important problem, a most important, most important 這三者之間有什麼區別?

A.副詞most 與雙音節以及多音節的形容詞連用構成最高級時, 必須帶定冠詞(the most important problem) :

He was the most distinguished physician in Europe.

B.在most 之前如果用了不定冠詞a (an), 則most 就不再是構成最高級的手段, 而變成一種強化語了(extremely, very) :

  1. This is a most useful book. 這是一本極有用的書。
  2. He told me a most amusing story. 他給我講了一個很逗人的故事。
  3. He is most remarkable man. 他是一個很不尋常的人。

當most + 形容詞+ 複數名詞時, most 也可能是強化語:

They are most useful alloys.

C. 如果most 之前不帶定冠詞t he, 也不帶不定冠詞a (an), 則從形式上看most 既可以理解為最高級, 也可以理解為強化語(extremely) :

  1. Della is most efficient. (the most efficient of all 或extremely efficient)
    德拉辦事效經最(很) 高。
  2. You are most convincing.
    你最(很) 有說服力。
  3. She was most rude to me.
    她對我最(很) 粗魯。

most 用法 7 (mostly/most)

見上面most 用法1



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