nor 用法 1 (nor do I)

問:I could not persuade him to accept it, _______ make him see the importance of it.
A. if only I could not
B. no more than I could
C. or I could not
D. nor could I
(大學英語四級試題, 1995. 1 – 42)

答:這是一個有關nor 用法的常考題型, 在否定的分句(或句子) 之後使用nor 時, nor 之後的分句(或句子) 的主詞和助動詞(或連綴動詞) 要實行倒裝。例如:

  1. he men were not well dressed. Nor were the women.
  2. John doesn’t speak French and nor do I.
    約翰不會說法語, 我也不會說法語。
  3. I didn’t see it, and nor did you.
    我沒有看見它, 你也沒有看見。
  4. He never went again, nor did he write to apologize.
    他再也沒有去過, 也沒有寫信道歉過。
  5. “I don’t like it” “Nor do I.”
  6. He did not know then what had happened, nor did he ever find out.
    他當時不知道發生了什麼事, 後來也一直沒弄明白。

Do you know Jim quarrelled with his brother?
— I don’t know, ________.
A. nor don’t I care
B. nor do I care
C. I don’t care neither
D. I don’t care also

nor 用法 2

問:“John is not stupid.”
“ Nor he is.”
上面句子裡nor 為什麼不引起主主詞與動詞倒裝?


“John is not stupid.” (“約翰不傻。”)
“Nor is his brother.”(“他弟弟也不傻。”)

在Nor is his brother 這個句子裡, 主詞his brother 傳遞的是新資訊。通過倒裝手段使它得以處在句尾資訊核心的位置上, 從而突出了它的語意分量(強調另一個主詞也具有某種特性) 。從語調上看, 後置的主詞總帶有邏輯重音。而在你所提問的句子“Nor he is.”中, is 是資訊的焦點, 帶有邏輯重音(強調上面提到的主詞確實不具有某種特性) 。如果把is 放在主詞之前, 它就完不成傳遞未知資訊的任務了。換一個說法: 當談論某人或某物不具備某個屬性, 而在分句或答話中確認這一點時, nor 就不會引起倒裝。見so 用法9

nor / neither do I

neither/ nor do I, never 用法3


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