same 用法 1 (the same…as / that)

問:“…the same + 名詞+as/that + 子句
⋯ ⋯第一式用as 引導的子句, 表示它的內容與主句內容‘相似’; 第二式用that 引導的子句, 表示它的內容與主句內所講的事物是‘同一’的。即第一式指同類的事物, 第二式指相同的事物。
This is the same bag as I lost yesterday.
This is the same bag that I lost yesterday.
這正是我昨天丟失的那個書包。”(《英語分類句型》, 商務印書館, p.190)
我一直是按照上述觀點來向學生講授the same…as 與the same…that 的區別的。但我不知如何解釋下列句中the same…as 的用法:

Meet me at the same place as you did yesterday.

答:許多英語著作都採用了上面的區分法。例如,《最新高級英漢詞典》(商務印書館, 1995, p.969) 著重指出:“That is the same knife as I lost. 那把小刀跟我丟的一模一樣。That is the same knife that I lost. 那把小刀就是我丟的。”(《英語一千常用單詞》, 外研社, 1991, p.499) 也作了這樣的明確區分:

“比較: This is the same bicycle as I have lost.
這輛自行車跟我丟失的那輛一樣(是指同樣的一種) 。
This is the same bicycle that I have lost.這是我丟失的那輛自行車。(是指同一輛自行車) 。”

但是, 實際上, 這兩個格式並非分工得如此明確。我們發現, the same…as 除了用於表示“相似”的事物之外, 還可用於表示“同一”事物(identical), 即跟the same…that具有相同的含義。請比較下列含有the same…that 的句子與含有the same…as 的句子:

  1. He is the same man that (或whom) we met yesterday.
  2. He went to the same school as me.
  3. A: We’re staying at the Excelsior Hotel.
    B: Is that the same as/that you stayed in last summer?
    A: 我們將住在精美旅館。
    B: 就是你們去年夏天住過的那家旅館嗎?
  4. A: Is that a new bicycle?
    B: No, it’s the same (one) as (I had) before.
    A: 那是輛新自行車嗎?
    B: 不是, 它是我以前用的那輛。
  5. I live in the same house as he lives in.
  6. I really couldn’t put up with living in the same place as that fellow after what had happened.
    在發生這件事情以後, 我實在不能容忍再和那個人住在一起了。
  7. He sits in the same row that / as we do.

應當注意, 在the same 之後使用that 有兩個限制: 1. the same 必須充當名詞的修飾語或者在the same 之後暗含著一個one [the same (one)]; 2. that 引出的子句不能是省略句。而as 卻沒有這種限制。

  1. I feel the same today as I did yesterday
  2. He was about the same age as Philip.
  3. I like the same music as you.

same 用法 2 (the same…as / that)

問:We black people of Birmingham want equal rights. We want the same rights as the white people in the city. [《高中英語教科書》(必修) 第二冊(下), 人民教育出版社、朗文出版集團有限公司, 1997, p.37]
我一直在思考一個問題: the same rights as the white people 是指:“ 與白人相似的權利”, 還是指“與白人等同的權利”?

答:根據上述same 用法1 條中的論述, 問句中的the same rights as the white people 是指“與白人同等的權利”。

same 用法 3 (the same…as/ that/ who/ where)

問:Are these the same people ________ we saw last week?
A. as
B. whom
C. who
D. what
答案為A。為什麼不能選B 或C 呢?

答:我們很多英語教師認為, 在the same + 名詞結構之後的修飾語子句只能用關係代名詞as 或that 來引導。其實並非如此。對於上面的試題, 除選A(as) 外, 也可以選B(whom)或C(who) 。大量實例證明, the same + 名詞結構之後的修飾語子句, 除使用關係代名詞as 和that 之外, 也可以使用關係代名詞who(whom) 、零關係代名詞以及關係副詞where、when


  1. Are these the same people (whom) we saw here last week?
  2. Those same people who support lower taxes complain when the Government cuts services.
    當政府削減服務性事業的經費時, 發出抱怨的還是原來那些支持低稅收政策的人。
  3. She’s the same girl [     ] I sat next to in class last year. (零關係代名詞)
  4. He went back to the same place where he had found the ring.
  5. This street is the same one [      ] we were on yesterday. (零關係代名詞)

same 用法 4 (all the same)

all the same

same 用法 5(same/ similar)

問:The molecular structure of chlorophyII is same to that of homeglobin in red blood cells, except that the latter contains iron instead of magnesium. (TOEFL, 89.9)
我說不出上句中的same 有什麼錯誤。

答:same 作“相同的, 同一的”解時, 有兩個特點: 一是通常要與定冠詞連用, 二是後面要跟as 或that 連用。上面試題中的same 不符合這兩個條件。因此, 應當改為is similarto。

Some procedures used for laboratory analysis of archaeological specimens are ________ procedures conducted in crime laboratories.
A. resemble
B. similar to
C. same as
D. alike



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