Which 用法1:

問:A family which quarrel amongst themselves…據説這裏的which 用法是錯誤的。A family which, a committee which, a group which不是很常見的配搭嗎?

答:按照英語慣用法,當指人的集合名同(team, audience, crew, jury, public,  committee, family)與複數動詞連用(即集合名詞不是表示整體而是表示組成人員)時,其關係代名詞應當是whom,而不應當是 which。如在這裏要正確的which 用法,就必須與單數動詞連用。例如:

The London team, which played so well last season, has done badly this season.


Which 用法2:

問:It was raining, ________ was a pity.
A. what
B. that
C. the which
D. which

答:一般的形容詞子句都是修飾名詞的。Snakes which are poisonous should be avoided.(應避開有毒的蛇。)這種形容詞子句叫作 adnominal relative clause(修飾名詞的形容詞子句)。像上面試題中的 which子句與此不同,它的中心詞並不是一個名詞或一個名詞片語,而是前面的整個主要子句或主要子句的一部分,有時甚至是一連串的句子,道樣的形容洞子句則作sentential relative clause(修飾句子的形容詞子句,此時的 which 用法相當於 and that):

  • He invited us to dinner, which was very kind of him. 他邀請我們去吃飯,真是太好了。
  • He said that he had never seen her before, which was not true.(which不是指整個主要子句,而是指受詞子句he had never seen her before)他說他以前從沒見過她,這不是真的。
  • They say he plays truant, which he doesn’t. (which指he plays truant)他們說他愛翹課,但他並沒有那麼做。
  • They dislike John, and that’s not surprising…; They dislike John, which is not surprising. 他們不喜歡約翰,這一點兒也不奇怪。

Which 用法3:

問:我看見英文句子“You and the girls may go, or you may send them by themselves, which perhaps will be still better…”翻譯為:“你讓女兒們自己去得了。要不然你和她們一道去,這樣做好些。”
這裏的which 用法是用來代“ You and the girls may go”(你和她們一道去)嗎?

答:從文法上看,which 用法顯然替代連接詞or之後的分句:you may send them by themselves。我會嘗試這樣翻譯:“你和女兒一起去吧,要不你就打發她們自己去,這樣或許更好些”

Which 用法4:

問:英文句子“Education alone can conduct us to that enjoyment which is best in quality and infinite in quantity”被翻譯為:“在質上最優,在量上無限,能夠引導我們走向快樂的惟有教育。”。請問which子句是修飾 education的嗎?

答:顯而易見,which子句是說明名詞 enjoyment的。但原譯文卻把 which子句譯成副詞了。我會這樣翻譯:“惟有教育才能把我們引哪到置量最優、數量無限的快樂中去”。

Which 用法5:

問:有關which(指人)。His brother has become an engineer, ______ he wanted to be.
A. who
B. what
C. which
D. that
這道試題要求選C. which,即which 用法指代表人的名詞 an engineer。但是,《朗文英語正詞典》(安徵科技出版社,p.447)明確指出:which 用法不能用來替代人。我感到無所適從。

答:對於英語初學者可以說關係代名詞 which 用法不能用來替代人,對於英語程度較高者則應指出:在下列三種情况下,which 用法可以用來替代人。

A.當關係代名詞 which 用法充當形容字句的補語或受詞時,可以用來表示某類人所具有的性格、人品丶素質、地位或職業等。例如:

  • He imagined himself to be an artist which he was not. 雖然他不是藝術家,但是他卻把自己想像成一個藝術家。
  • They accused him of being a traitor, which he was. 他們指責他當了叛徒,他還是當了叛徒。
  • He is exactly the man which such an education was likely to form. 他正是這種教育可能造就出來的人。
  • He is a teetotaller, which I am not. 他是個絕對禁酒主義者,而我不是。
  • It is Freud the analyst which we most enjoy. 我麽最為欣賞的是分析家佛洛依德。
  • He talked like a native, which he hardly was. 他說起話來像是個本地人,其實他不見得是。

B. which可以用來指代不分性别的嬰兒或兒童:

  • This is the baby which needs inoculation. 這是那個需要打預防針的嬰兒。
  • His mother had ten children, of which he was the oldest. 他的媽媽有十個孩子,他是最大的。

C. 當用作先行詞的集合名詞表示整體,而不是表示其成員時,應當使用關係代名詞which,但是最嚴格來説,這裡的 which 用法並不是指人,而是指與人有關的集體:

  • a family which dates back to the Norman Conquest. 一個可追溯到諾曼第人征服英國時期的家族。
  • the government, which is cutting its losses. 政府正在削減損失額。
  • the committee which was responsible for this decision. 對這個決定負責的委員會。
  • The audience, which was most enthusiastic, applauded the solosist. 極為熱情的觀眾為那位獨唱演員熱烈鼓掌。

Which 用法6 (by which time):

問:有關by which time的用法。He came back late, ________ which time all the guests had already left.
A. at
B. after
C. by
D. during

答:這裡需要弄明白,上句中的關係代名詞 which是代替前面整個主要子句内容的,因此 which子句做修飾句子的形容詞子句(見which 用法2)上句的難點在於:which在子句中不是作主詞或受詞,也不是作介係詞受詞,而是作形容詞。因此,可以把 which叫做關係形容詞或關係限定詞(relative determiner)。通過這道試題,我們應當掌握住 which用作形容詞的用法:

  • all again at 11, by which time the meeting should be over. 十一點鐘再打電話來,到那個時候會議該結束了。
  • Tom spent four years in college, during which time he learned French.
  • 湯姆在大學裡度過了四年的時光,在那段時間裡他學了法語。

另外,参見in( in which case)的文章。

Which 用法7 (which/that):



由此看來, which用法與that用法的區別有二:1. that可代表人,而 which則不能;2. that可作主詞補語,而 which則不能。我的题是:which永遠不能代表人,永遠不能作主詞補語嗎?請看下面的例句:

They accused him of being a traitor, which he was.

答:從英語教學法角度來看,《實用英語文法》的講法是正確的。但是,有較高英語程度的讀者則不應就此止步,而應當進一步認識到:在某些情况下,which也可以指人,更可以作主補語(參見which 用法5)。

Which 用法8 (which/that):

問:A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language一書在17.25中說:

“當關係代名詞在關係子句裡充當非介係詞的補語時,無論在限制性子句裡,還是在非限制性子句裡,人稱先行詞和非人稱先行詞之後都只能用 which:
He is a teetotaller. which I am not.
This is a powerful car, which my last car was not.”



He is not the man that he was! 

Which 用法9(which/who):

問:(1) Thomas Alva Edison is remembered chiefly as the man which invented the light bulb. (2) Mrs Swanson, a member of the social committee for the coming years, is the only woman which has a car.
老師跟我說上面的兩題均要求將 which改為who,由此判斷,關係代名詞 which 用法是不能指人的名詞的。但是下列句子如何解釋?

His brother has become an engineer, which he wanted to be.

答:對於初學者應當指出關係代名詞 which 用法一般是不能用來指人的。用 which來指人是有條件的。請參見which 用法5。

The Tartar chief controls a thousand men, all of which must obey his orders in both war and peace.

Which  用法10(which…in/in which):

問:Author Edith Wharton thoroughly understood the society _______.
A. she had grown up
B. which had she grown up in
C. in which she had grown up
D. she had grown up in it
我初學英語時就已牢記 the house in which I lived和 the house which I lived in(我住過的房子)這兩個結構都是正確的。但上面試題的命題者卻把B判為錯誤,這是我無法理解的。而且我的英語老師曾提及一例句:

the table(which) the boy crawled under

答:在形容詞子句中,當關係代名詞which 用法作介係詞的受詞時,從文法上說,既可以把介係詞放在which之前,也可以放在 which之後。但是,把介係詞放在關係代名詞之前(in which, to whom)的結構是正式語體。在上面的試题中之所以不能選B,並不是因為介係詞in放在了which之後,而是因為主詞和動詞的語序不對。如果把had放在主詞she之後,那麽,選B也就是正確的了(但多用於非正式語體)。請比較下列例句:

  • The documents for which they were searching have been recovered. 他們在找的檔案已經找到了。
  • This is a subject about which we might argue for a long while. 這是一個我們可能要爭論很長時間的問題。
  • This is the room(which) Churchill was born in. 這是邱吉爾出生的那間屋子。
  • She spent all evening talking about her latest book, which none of us had ever heard of. 她花了整個晚上談她最近的新書,關於這本書,我們沒有一個人聽說過。

但是 TOEFL等出題專家只承認正式語體的用法為正確用法。因此,我們在 TOEFL試題中所能查到的,都是介係詞+ which的用法,而無 which…+介係詞的用法。

Which 用法11(of which / to which):

問:We are not conscious of the extent of which work provides the psychological satisfaction that can make the difference between a full and an empty life.

“B中的 of which應改為‘which’,把of刪去,因為 which後面的 provide在本句中是及物動,可直接接受詞,不需要將介係詞提到 which之前。”


答:我認為是有人完全誤解了上道英語試题的文法结構和句意。在原句中work… satisfaction是一個形容詞子句,其中work為子句的主詞,satisfaction是動詞 provides的直接受詞。此形容詞子句是限制中心詞the extent的。因此,其關係代名詞 which 用法必須與適當的介係詞搭配,在形容子句中充當副詞。大家知道,當表示“在…程度上”這含義時,一般是使用介係詞to。例如:

  • to a certain extent (在一定程度上)
  • to a considerable extent (在相當大的程度上)
  • To what extent are you willing to help me? 你願意幫助我到什麽樣的程度?

由此可見,上道試題中的B. of which應改 to which。全句的意思是:


Which用法12(…of which):

問:The Social Security Retirement Program is made up of two trust funds, ______ penniless by next year.
A. the larger one
B. the larger of which
C. the largest one
D. the largest of which
雖然我得知,答案為B. the larger of which。但是,我對於…of which 用法仍不清楚。

答:which引導形容詞子句並在形容詞子句中充當主詞或受詞的用法,是大家所熟悉的。但是,假如 which在形容詞子句中不充當主詞或受詞,而是充當形容詞來表示領屬關係,那怎麼辮呢?這時候就需要使用 of which這個片語。在上面的句子裡,which的先行詞是 two trust funds(兩項信託資金), of which作 the larger的形容詞。請參考類似的實例:

  • the investigation the results of which will soon be published. 不久即將公布其結果的那項調查……
  • The house the roof of which was damaged has now been repaired. 屋頂損壞的那所房子現在已修好了。
  • There are two left, one of which is almost finished and the other of which is not quite. 剩下兩件事,一件幾乎做完了,另一件還得做。

which 用法13(N + of which/of which + N):

問:The house the roof of which was damaged has now been repaired. “of which” 能否放在 the roof之前?

答:在形容詞子句中充當形容詞of which 用法雖然可以放在它所修飾的名詞之前,但比較少見:

  • the investigation of which the results will soon be published. 不久將公布(其)結果的那項調查……
  • The house of which the roof was damaged has now been repaired. 屋頂損壞的那棟房子現在已經修好了。


1 thought on “原來which 用法是這樣,很多大學生都用錯了。

  1. 就上述 十 Which 的用法
    想問 這句 :
    The teacher gave her class an interesting assignment — to draw a picture of something for which they were thankful.
    可否這樣表逹呢 ? 結構是否正如 十 的所講 ?


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