
答:否定是英中兩種語言裡都很常見的現象。但是英中兩種語言表達否定概念的方式和手段卻存在著很大的差別, 因而在學習過程中, 常常會遇到一些棘手的問題。

舉例來說, 英語的否定範圍(the scope of negation) 就是一個很傷腦筋的問題。有時候, 否定範圍自否定詞起一直延伸到句末, 例如:

  1. John didn’t search the room care fully.
  2. He did not come to work by bus.
  3. As we know, electricity cannot be conducted by means of insulators.
    我們知道, 電不能靠絕緣體來傳導。
  4. The planets do not go around the sun at a uniform speed.
  5. We do not eat to live.

但是, 有時候否定範圍則自否定詞開始到句末的修飾性副詞之前便告終止。例如:

  1. I have no other tools besides this.
    此之外, 我沒有任何工具。
  2. None of the planets is inhabited, except the earth.
    除地球以外, 任何星球上都沒有人。
  3. There was nobody a round at the moment but a doctor and an old woman.
    那時候, 除了一個醫生和一個老太太之外, 周圍沒有任何人。

由於英語的否定範圍具有這麼兩種不同的情況, 所以英語的許多否定句往往是有歧義的。例如:

I wasn’t listening all the time.
可以把句末副詞all the time 理解為包括在否定範圍之內, 即I wasn’t listening all the time. (= It is not true that I was listening all the time.) 。
也可以把句末副詞all the time 理解為不包括在否定範圍之內, 即I wasn’t listening all the time. (= For the whole time, I wasn’t listening.) 。

由於同樣的原因, 下列各句也是有歧義的:

  1. I didn’t leave home because I was afraid of my father.
    可以把because 子句理解為包括在否定範圍之內, 即
    I didn’t leave home because I was afraid of my father. (= I left home, but it wasn’t because of my father that I did so.)
    也可以把because 子句理解為不包括在否定範圍之內, 即
    I didn’t leave home, because I was afraid of my father. (= Because I was afraid of my father, I didn’t leave home.)
    因為我怕父親, 所以沒有離開家。

類似的例子, 如:

  1. Mary doesn’t look good in al l clothes. 如把句末副詞in all clothes 理解為包括在否定範圍之內, 則得:
    Mary does not look good in al l clothes. (= She does in some clothes.)
    如把句末副詞in all clothes 理解為不包括在否定範圍之內, 則得:
    Mary does not look good in all clothes. (= she does in no clothes.)
  2. I did not go there to play golf.
    a) 我去了那裡並不是為了打高爾夫球。
    b) 我沒有去那裡打高爾夫球。
  3. The ambassador did not l eave London to take up an appointment in Africa.
    a) 大使沒有離開倫敦到非洲去就職。
    b) 大使不是為了到非洲就職而離開了倫敦。(或者: 大使離開了倫敦並不是為了到非洲去就職。)
  4. Susan doesn’t see her father when he comes to London.
    a) 每當蘇姍的父親來倫敦時, 她都不去見他。
    b) 蘇姍不是在她父親來倫敦時才去見他。

遇到這類歧義句時, 應依靠上下文和句子的內容來排除歧義。例如:

  1. The mountain is not valuable because it is high.
    從形式上看, 這個句子既可譯為:
    但從內容上看, 只有第二種譯法比較合乎情理。
  2. The machine does not s op on account of the shortage of oil.
    從形式上看, 這個句子既可譯為:
  3. Contrary to what is often thought, the earth does not move round in the empty space.
    從形式上看, 這個句子既可譯為:
    與通常的想法相反, 在空無一物的空間裡, 地球是不旋轉的。
    自然常識告訴我們, 在例2 、3 中只有第二個譯法才是正確的。
  4. didn’t buy it because the price was exorbitant. (《高級英語》第一冊, p.25)
    a) 我並不是因為價格太貴而買了它。
    b) 我沒有買它, 因為它價格太貴。(子句意看, 後一譯法是正確的)
  5. [The man wanted to fly to Rockall, a lonely island in the Atlantic Ocean], but Captain Fawcett did not take him because the trip was too dangerous. (New Concept English, Book 2, L.29)
    福西特上尉沒有運送他, 因為這樣的航行太危險了。(子句意看, 只能有一種理解)


  1. I don’t teach because teaching is easy for me. (《大學英語》精讀3, p.39)
  2. He didn’t like them because they are always helpful but because they never complain.
    我喜歡他們, 並不是因為他們總是樂意助人, 而是因為他們從不抱怨。
  3. Raven didn’t leave the party early because Carol was there.
  4. Raven didn’t leave the party early, because Carol was there.
    雷文沒有很早地離開那次聚會, 因為卡羅爾在那裡。
  5. Thatcher said, “I do not say this because I believe that we should be in any way provocative towards the Soviet Union or anyone else.”
    柴契爾說:”我這樣說, 並不是因為我認為我們應當對蘇聯或其他國家採取任何挑釁的態度。”
  6. MacMillan said, “My honorable friend and I will not be going to Moscow to conduct a negotiation on behalf of the West.”
  7. I did not do it because I am indifferent to your advice.
    a) 我並不是因為對你的忠告漠不關心而沒有做那件事。
    b) 我沒有做那件事, 因為我對你的忠告不感興趣。
  8. “Neither believe nor reject anything, ”he wrote to his nephew, “because any other person has rejected or believed it. Heaven has given you a mind for judging truth and error. Use it.”(《大學英語》精讀Book 2, Uni t3)
    他給侄兒寫信說:“不要因為別人相信或拒絕, 你就跟著相信或拒絕。上帝賜給你一個頭腦, 是讓你自己去判斷真理和謬誤的。使用它吧。”

英語的否定重心(the focus of negation) 是一個重要的文法範疇, 也是學習時難以對付的一個問題。



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