I _______ Mr Chan. Do you ________ what he said?
“agree with”後面是人物或建議。“agree to”後面是進行某些事,例如:The company agreed to refund the customers。
When will you arrive _________?
“arrive”後加“at”代表到達指定地方(building、park等)。後面加”in“就代表到達一個地區、城市或國家。但如果到達”home“、”here“、”there“就不用加”at“或者”in“了,例如:When she arrived home, her husband had the meal ready.
They call him _______.
Which one is incorrect?
“care”後不可以直接跟著一個object。照顧某人是“care for”或“take care of”。
Her aunt cared _____ her happiness.
”care for“解照顧。”care about“解關心。
The cars ________ each other.
車”crash into“物件,但人就”crash“車(沒有”into“)。例如:The drier was very young and crashed the car.
At the meeting they _________ the problem.
“discuss”後不用加入”about”。只有“talk”後會加入“about”,例如:At the meeting they talked about the problem.
At the picnic, Gary _______ many activities.
參與是“join in”。成為會員才是“join”(沒有“in”),例如:You joined a club.
I like _________ pop music.
“listen”後不會直接跟著一個object。如果沒有object,我們可以不用“to”,例如:I've been talking to you. Are you listening?
The school team _______ the football match.
I _________ the police for help.
打電話給某人是”phone someone“或者”telephone someone“。但如果你用“make a phone call to”這句式也可以加“to”,例如:I made a call to Peter this morning.
I ________ the piano every day.
When the removal men _______, they unloaded the truck.
動詞”reach“後一般都要跟著一個object。反而,”arrive“後面可以沒有object,例如:When the removal men arrived, they unloaded the truck.
Why didn't you ______ my email?
“reply”後面有三個選擇。1)加“to”;2)加“that”;3)不加任何東西,完成句子。例如:“She replied that she was busy”、“I asked twice, but he didn't reply”。
The robber ______ the policeman.
“shot”後面不要加“to”。如果想表示向某人方向開槍,但射不中,我們要加“at”,例如:The robber shot at the policeman, but luckily he missed.
People should ________ their families.
“take care”後面要加“of”才再跟著某人。如果你想叫人小心,你就可以用“take care”(沒有“of”),例如:That path is dangerous, so please take care.
Can you tell me ____ your school life?
英文句式是“tell someone 'about' something”。
Many tourists visit Hong Kong each year.
I had to wait ____ another bus to come.